Press Release: Six athletes from Asia standing for election to the IPC Athletes’ Council

IPC Athletes Council

Six athletes from Asia are amongst 25 athletes standing for election to the IPC Athletes’ Council during the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. `

The IPC Athletes’ Council is the collective voice of Paralympic athletes within the IPC and the Paralympic Movement. Its role involves providing feedback, advice, and reporting to the Governing Board on IPC matters from the athletes’ perspective, representing the interests of Paralympic athletes, and actively engaging with the athlete community.

The list of candidates from Asia are (nominating body and sport in brackets):

  • Mr. Saif ALNUAIMI (NPC United Arab Emirates – Shooting Para Sport)
  • Mr. Daniel Chan HO YUEN, (NPC Hong Kong, China – Para Badminton)
  • Ms. Zahra NEMATI (NPC I.R. Iran -Para Archery)
  • Mr. Takayuki SUZUKI (NPC Japan – Para Swimming)
  • Ms. Yujiao TAN (NPC China – Para Powerlifting)
  • Mr. Yoomin WON (NPC Korea – Wheelchair Basketball)

Tarek Souei, CEO of the Asian Paralympic Committee said; “I’m delighted to see so many strong candidates from Asia standing for these elections. At the Asian Paralympic Committee, we know how important it is to listen to the athletes and their voice is at the heart of all our decision making around the Asian Para Games.

“The IPC Athletes’ Council does this on a bigger stage and it’s important that all athletes engage in this democratic process and vote for the candidates that they think will represent them best.”

All athletes with the correct accreditation for the Paris Games are eligible to vote, with the polls opening on 26 August and closing on 5th September.

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