The APC is composed of a General Assembly, Executive Board, Management Team and various Committees.
The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the APC. It meets once every two years and is composed of 45 National Paralympic Committees (NPCs) located in the Asian region, organised in five sub-regional organisations (sub-regions).
The Assembly of APC Members is the supreme authority of the APC and is responsible for defining the vision and general direction of the APC. It shall also:
- Elect the President, two Vice-Presidents, Chair of the Women in Sport Committee and two Members at Large
- Endorse the five sub-regional representative on the APC Executive Board, and one Vice-President nominated from the NPC of the next Games host nation
- Consider and approve the APC’s budget and the APC membership fee policy
- Hear and receive the reports of the Executive Board and CEO, including financial reports
- Approve and admit full members in the APC
- Consider motions from members
- Approve amendments to the APC constitution