The World Para Powerlifting’s ‘She Can Lift’ Programme continued to grow and make impact as an Introductory Coaching Course was delivered to female coaches and athletes in Nepal.
The course, which took place in Nepal’s capital Kathmandu from 30 August to 1 September, featured research-based lectures, hands-on activities, in-depth discussions and practical training on equipment.
As many as 16 female coaches and athletes participated in the course taught by World Para Powerlifting Educator, Shida Mat Shah.
“I am honoured to be involved in the She Can Lift Programme,” said Rajani Rai, a local participant.
“Each woman brought their own motivation and strength to the course and we are all driven to grow Para powerlifting in the country and inspire others to practice the sport!”
One of the participants, Ms. Nirmala Bhandari, who took part in the Indonesia 2018 Asian Para Games commented: “Actually, I cried when all my three lifts were no lifts in the Asian Para Games in Indonesia. I had not any clue why I was wrong. Now after this training I know why I was wrong and how should I prepare to do best to uplift my future as women para powerlifter of Nepal.”

The course was the fourth delivered across the world as a part of World Para Powerlifting’s She Can Lift Programme, a project aimed to improve the gender equity and attitudes in the sport.
The courses are made possible through the support of the Agitos Foundation’s Grant Support Programme.
“The course was a historic event for Paralympic sport in Nepal; it is the first international course delivered in the country! We are very grateful for the collaboration with World Para Powerlifting and the Agitos Foundation to deliver the She Can Lift Programme,” said Tek Garung, President of the National Para Powerlifting Sport Association of Nepal.
“This course helped grow the expertise in the sport in the country and directly increase the number of women practising the sport.”